






胡凱傑(Kai-Chieh Hu);謝依芷(Yi-Chih Hsieh)


mobile ticketing apps ; technology acceptance model (TAM) ; mobile service quality ; behavioral intention ; 行動訂票app ; 科技接受模式 ; 行動服務品質 ; 行為意圖




26卷5期(2019 / 10 / 30)


296 - 314




Ticketing applications (apps) have been increasing in popularity. When airline companies realized the potential of ticketing apps, they rushed to develop their own exclusive ticketing apps. In this study, the technology acceptance model was used to explore the antecedents of ticketing app acceptance by airlines. The study subjects were individuals with experience of using airline mobile ticketing apps. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research model. The results revealed that privacy positively affected perceived usefulness. System availability and content quality, billing, and efficiency positively affected perceived ease of use. Furthermore, perceived ease of use exhibited a positive effect on perceived usefulness, and perceived usefulness had a positive effect on the behavioral intention to use airlines ticketing apps. Finally, based on the results, this study provided some managerial implications and suggestions for both companies and researchers.


當前行動應用程式(applications,apps)服務已越來越普及,許多航空公司也意識到行動apps是未來的趨勢進而開始建置公司專屬的行動apps。然而,若行動apps無法滿足使用者的需求、服務品質太差,使用者可能不會接受這樣的apps服務軟體。本研究旨在應用科技接受模式(technology acceptance model,TAM)探討航空公司行動訂票apps的服務品質對使用意願之影響。本研究以臺灣航空公司為主要範圍,並以使用過該航空公司行動apps訂機票的消費者為主,藉由問卷調查蒐集使用者資料並使用結構方程模式來檢驗各項假設。研究結果顯示,隱私會正向的影響知覺有用性;內容品質、帳單、效率與系統可獲性會對知覺易用性有正向的影響。而知覺易用性對知覺有用性有正向影響,且兩者均對使用航空公司訂票apps有正向的影響。最後,本研究根據研究結果提出管理意涵的討論,以及後續相關研究建議。

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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