






許嘉霖(Chia-Lin Hsu);鄭婕盈(Chieh-Ying Cheng);吳念庭(Nien-Ting Wu)


產品品質 ; 知覺信任 ; 知覺價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; product quality ; perceived trust ; perceived value ; customer satisfaction ; customer loyalty




27卷1期(2020 / 02 / 28)


26 - 42




過去已有諸多文獻探究影響顧客滿意度及忠誠度之因素,然而,於企業使用綠色包裝後,顧客知覺產品品質、知覺信任、知覺價值、顧客滿意度及忠誠度之關係之研究卻較為缺乏。本研究茲將以刺激—有機體—反應(stimulus-organism-response, S-O-R)架構為基礎,探討產品品質於顧客知覺信任與知覺價值之影響,進而對其滿意度與忠誠度之影響。本研究為一網路問卷且採便利抽樣蒐集資料,最後,總共蒐集239份有效問卷以作為分析所用。接著,本研究使用LISREL 8.54從事結構方程模式分析並檢定所提之假說。研究結果發現顧客知覺之產品品質顯著與正向地影響其知覺信任與知覺價值,進而影響其忠誠度。再者,本研究亦發現顧客知覺價值顯著與正向地影響其知覺信任及滿意度,而滿意度則顯著與正向地影響忠誠度。最後,依據這些研究發現,管理意涵、研究限制及未來研究方向亦被呈現於本論文中。


Numerous previous studies have explored the factors that affect the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. However, after businesses use green packaging, the discussion on the relationships among perceived product quality, perceived trust, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty is lack. Thus, this study aims at exploring the impact of product quality on perceived trust and perceived value which in turn affects customer satisfaction and customer loyalty based on the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework. A web-based questionnaire is used for collect data through the convenient sampling. A total of 239 valid questionnaires are used or our analysis. Structural equation model are conducted via LISREL 8.54. The results show that the product quality significantly affects the perceived trust and perceived value, and in turn, affects customer loyalty. Furthermore, the results also demonstrate that the perceived value significantly and positively affects the perceived trust, and in turn, affects customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction significantly and positively affects customer loyalty. Finally, according to these findings, the managerial implications, limitations, and directions for future research are presented in this paper.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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