






胡凱傑(Kai-Chieh Hu);李紫潔(Tzu-Chieh Lee)


永續行銷 ; 企業形象 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 消費者永續行為 ; sustainable marketing ; corporate image ; customer loyalty ; consumer sustainable behavior




27卷6期(2020 / 12 / 30)


366 - 390






Recently, sustainable has become a mainstream topic for enterprise managers. Airlines also conduct various kinds of sustainable marketing in order to raise corporate image. However, it is still need further study to exam whether the sustainable marketing implemented by airlines can enhance corporate image and increase customer loyalty. Moreover, previous studies found that the consumer sustainable behavior will affect their personal subjective attitude. That means the consumers who have the awareness of sustainable consumption may have different attitude and feelings of the effect of corporate's sustainable marketing. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of airline's sustainable marketing and corporate image on customer loyalty, as well as the moderating effect of consumer sustainable behavior. The passengers of the domestic airlines were selected for conducting a questionnaire survey. After performing structural equation modeling, the result shows that there have significant influence among corporate social responsibility, corporate image and customer loyalty. The corporate social responsibility also both have the full mediating effect between green marketing and corporate image, and green marketing and customer loyalty. The consumer sustainable behavior only has a moderating effect on the influence of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty. Finally, this study provides some suggestions to managers for enhancing the sustainable marketing in airline industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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