






湯玲郎(Ling-Lang Tang);蔡金倉(Chin-Tsang Tsai);李易軒(Yi-Hsuan Lee)


科技接受模式 ; 沉浸體驗 ; 服務品質 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 網路購物 ; technology acceptance model ; flow experience ; service quality ; customer satisfaction ; online shopping




28卷6期(2021 / 12 / 30)


379 - 412




過去雖有諸多文獻以科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)探討消費者網路購物行為,但較少探究在搜尋資訊歷程之沉浸體驗連續發生過程動態的特性,本研究考量購物特性加入沉浸體驗為影響TAM中之變數,希望可藉此得到沉浸體驗的完整全貌。針對有網路購物經驗者為研究對象進行資料蒐集,計610份有效樣本,並以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling)進行分析。研究結果發現顧客滿意度對行為意圖路徑係數0.81最佳,顯示良好的顧客滿意度,影響客戶的購買行為意圖。此外,本研究並提出三個競爭模型觀察不同構面組合,研究結果顯示信任與顧客滿意度間具有直接關係,信任有強化的作用,信任會影響購買意願,而顧客滿意度是消費經驗累積。因此,可以瞭解滿意度與信任並非各自獨立而是彼此交互影響。最後,本研究依據建立之架構與實證結果提出管理意涵和實務貢獻,以及後續研究建議。


In the past, there have been a lot of studies on consumers' online shopping behaviors by using the technology acceptance model, but there are only few studies on the immersive state of information searching process. As a dynamic feature of the continuous occurrence process, this research has added immersion experience as an influencing variable in technology acceptance model. It is hoped to get a complete view of immersion experience through this study. This research survey which is titled as "data collection for those with online shopping experience," has collected 610 valid samples and structural equation model was used to analyze those data. The result showed that customer satisfaction towards behavioral intention pathway coefficient of 0.81, indicating good customer satisfaction, which will influence the customer behavioral intention. In addition, this research proposed three competitive models to observe different aspects. The results showed there is a direct relationship between trust and customer satisfaction, trust has a strengthening effect, trust will affect the buying intention, and customer satisfaction is the accumulation of buying experience. As a result, we can understand that satisfaction and trust are not independent but are mutually related. Finally, this result which is based on established framework and empirical results, proposes the contributions and implications of management and suggestions for follow-up research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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