
Growth Opportunities, Agency Conflicts, and the Effectiveness of Busy Outside Directors






陳家偉(Chia-Wei Chen)


董事兼任 ; 董事會 ; 代理衝突 ; Multiple directorships ; Boards of directors ; Agency costs




17卷4期(2009 / 12 / 31)


123 - 151






In this paper, we focus on potential tradeoffs between the costs and benefits of multiple directorships held by outside directors and attempt to determine how firm characteristics affect such tradeoffs. It is widely believed that outside directors of a firm play important functions of monitoring and advising. As a result. the basic hypothesis of this paper is that multiple directorships by outside directors can have different implications for firms that have different levels of monitoring and advising needs. Consistent with this hypothesis, our findings suggest that firm performance is positively associated with multiple directorships for firms with high growth opportunities and low agency conflicts. Such firms would benefit more from better advising while not suffering much from less monitoring. Likewise, firm performance is negatively associated with multiple directorships for firms likely with low growth opportunities and high agency conflicts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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