


Life Situations of Primiparous Women Receiving Termination of Pregnancy due to Fetal Down Syndrome




陳淑齡(Shun-Ling Chen);余玉眉(Yu-Mei (Yu)Chao)


唐氏症 ; 初孕婦 ; 終止妊娠 ; 生活處境 ; Down syndrome ; primiparous women ; termination of pregnancy ; life situation




8卷2期(2000 / 04 / 01)


177 - 189






The purpose of this study was to explore life situations of primiparous women who were diagnosed and informed of having abnormal pregnancy with Down syndrome, during the course of receiving termination of pregnancy and one month postpartum. This qualitative study was designed by adopting the field method with observer as participant approach to collect the data. Four primiparous women were invited into this study. There was a total of 12 contacts for each subject. Soon after the interviews and field observation, the researcher wrote down the narrative process recordings; the data was analyzed by content analysis. The results found that seven themes on subjects life situations were inductively identified as: being frustrated by losing the joy of pregnancy suddenly, facing disintegrated self-image, accepting the termination of pregnancy helplessly, severing the binding-in-relation between mother and unborn baby, unwillingness, falling into emptiness and grief situation, trapped in the deep feeling of sadness, sense of inappropriatness in social contact. The findings of this study can be used as a reference for nurses when they are taking care of these women receiving termination due to Down syndrome, and provide timely nursing care to these women.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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