


The Assessment Study of Health Status for the Rural Elderly of Kaoshu Rural Township




邱啓潤(Chii-Jun Chiou);張永源(Yong-Yuan Chang);陳武宗(Wu-Tsung Chen);黃洽鑽(Chia-Tsuan Huang);黃忠信(Jason-Huang)


農村社區 ; 老人 ; 健康狀況 ; rural community ; the elderly ; health status




8卷2期(2000 / 04 / 01)


227 - 240




本研究係針對高樹鄉10村1395位老人進行家庭訪視,完成問卷共1063位,完成率爲76.2%。研究目的:(l)瞭解老人的健康狀況。(2)將老人的人口學特性作自變項,老人的健康狀況爲依變項作預測分析,以找出需要服務的高危險群。結果顯示,客觀評估發現老人有615人,57.9%有一種以上的慢性病,其中以高血壓最多有272人,占25.6%,其次是關節炎105人(9.9%)、糖尿病100人(9.4%)、心臓病97人(9.1%) ,半數的患病期超過五年,90%有慢性病的老人皆以西醫治療,但控制方面有半數的病情皆不穩定;在危險因子方面有15.6%血糖異常,21.6%血壓異常,25.2%肥胖指數≥26(具危險性)。主觀的評估發現老人的活動受限於床上或椅上而需要他人協助日常生活的有5.7%,自覺健康狀況的得分指標爲65.4是屬中程度,其好壞依次是心理、生理、社會,主要症狀是腰酸背痛、神經痛。利用邏輯迴歸分析發現:女性、75成以上、本省籍、不識字、無配偶的老人,呈現較差的健康狀沉,比男性、75歲以下、客家籍、識字、有配偶的老人需要更多的健康相關服務。因此,本研究分別就實務面、行政面與學術研究面提出具體的建議以供參考。


This study was carried out through home visits to 1,395 elderly in Kaoshu Rural Township, Taiwan. 1,063 questionnaires were completed; the completion rate was 72.6%. The objectives of the study included: 1. to understand the health status of the elderly; 2. to predict the high risk elderly who are in need of services by using demographic characteristics as independent variables to examine the health status of the elderly. The results are summarized as follows: From objective assessment, 615 elderly people had one or more chronic illnesses (57.9%), The most widespread chronic illness was hypertension (25.6%), with 272 cases. The other common chronic illnesses were arthritis (9.9%) with 105 cases, diabetes mellitus (9.4%) with 100 cases and heart disease (9.1%) with 97 cases. Over half had been ill for more than five years. Almost 90% of the elderly with chronic illness were treated by western medicine, however, over half of the condifions were poorly controlled. With reference to risk factors, about 15.6% of the elderly involved in this study showed abnormal blood sugar levels. About 21.6% showed abnormal blood pressure. About 25.2% showed a high- risk (≥26) BMI score. From subjective assessment, about 5.7% of the elderly were bedridden or confined to the chair and needed assistance in daily activities. The proportion score of self-perceived health status is 65.4 which is borderline. The rank of self-perceived health status was mental, physical, and social health. The most common symptoms were low back pain and neuralgia. Through logistic regression analysis, we found that those who possessed each of the following variables tended to need more health services. The variables including female, over 75 years old, Taiwanese, illiterate, and spouseless, have poor health status. On the other hand, the variables such as male, under 75 years old, Hakka literate, living with spouse would need less health services. Based on the results, this study makes substantive suggestions to practitioners, administrators and researchers for their reference.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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