


Influence of Kangaroo Care and Traditional Nursing Care on Premature Physiologic Parameters




尹引弟(Ying-Ti Yin);王如華(Ru-Hwa Wang);李美璇(May Meei-Shyuan Lee);喻永生(Yeong-Seng Yuh)


袋鼠式護理 ; 傳統式護理 ; 早産兒 ; 生理指標 ; kangaroo care ; traditional nursing care ; premature ; physiologic parameters




8卷3期(2000 / 06 / 01)


362 - 374




本研究採類實驗性設計中之重複測量法。於民國87年2月15日至5月31日在台北市兩所醫學中心及兩年區域醫院之新生兒加護中心內,以連續取樣法,選擇36對出生體重低於2000公克之早産兒並同意參加此研究的早産兒母親爲研究對象。依其意願分入實驗組(行袋鼠式護理)或控制組(行傳統式護理)。於各組早産兒母親執行照顧時,利用HP Monitor來測量早産兒在離開保溫箱前5分鍾,開始護理時的第5、15、30分鍾,及回到保溫箱後5分鍾時的生理指標(心跳、呼吸、血氧飽和濃度、體溫),每一次費時四十分鍾,每天一次,連續測七天,以一般線性模式比較兩種護理方式對早産兒暫離保溫箱時,生理指標的影響。結果發現,實驗組與控制組在執行護理時的平均心跳(157.7次/分 vs. 161.4次/分,p=0.380)、呼吸(47.6次/分 vs. 48.9次/分,p=0.856)、血氧飽和濃度(96.2% vs. 95.3%, p=0.730)、體溫(36.9℃ vs. 37℃, p=0.131)等生理指標均未達統計上顯著的差異,顯示在執行袋鼠式護理和傳統式護理模式時,早産兒的生理指標是相近且有相當的安全性。


In this study, a repeated measure quasi-experimental design was employed. The research took place in the newborn intensive care unit of two district teaching hospitals and two medical centers in Taipei. Convenient sampling was used to select premature neonates whose weight was <2000g and their mothers. The samples were grouped non-randomly. The control group was given traditional nursing care and the experimental group was given kangaroo care. The tools of this research was HP Monitor. The infant’s physiologic parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation of blood, body temperature) were taken 5 minutes before departing from the incubator; 5, 15, and 30 minutes after beginning nursing care and 5 minutes after going back to incubator in both groups. Each cycle lasted for 40 minutes and one cycle was taken per day for 7 consecutive days. This arrangement was to compare the influence of traditional care and kangaroo care upon physiologic parameters of premature infants when they were transiently removed from the incubator. The results showed no significant difference between these two groups (p>0.05) (heart rate 157.7 BPM vs. 161.4 BPM, p=0.380; respiratory rate 47.6/min vs. 48.9/min, p=0.859; oxygen saturation 96.2% vs. 95.3%, p=0.730 and body temperature 36.9℃ vs. 37℃, p=0.131). The parameters between kangaroo care and traditional nursing care were similar and both seemed safe.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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