


The Existential Phenomenology of Family Care of Psychiatric Patients




許樹珍(Shuh-Jen Sheu);曾慶音(Ching-In Tseng);崔翔雲(Hsiang-Yun Tsui)


存在性 ; 現象學 ; 家庭照顧 ; 精神病患 ; Existential ; phenomenology ; family care ; psychiatric patient




9卷3期(2001 / 06 / 01)


259 - 268




本研究運用現象學方法和存在分析的觀點,透過精神病患與家人所描述的照顧與被照顧的看法、感受和經驗,來理解及展現照顧存在性的議題。資料收集的方法採取多觀點及多重的技巧,主要包括深入性個別及團體的會談,實地參與性觀察,和相關田野記錄。資料分析時主要是 家庭照顧存在的概念安置於存在照顧者與被照顧者的自我了我的關系、感受、看法等經驗來做觀看與推敲。研究結果以「照顧的當然存在」、「照顧的不存在」、「照顧的有限性」、「照顧的轉化與超越」、及「照顧的交讬與流轉」等五個主題面向來彰顯照顧之存在意義與本質結構。最後將討論照顧存在的本質與意義,反思本土的家庭及醫療精神衛生照顧上可能的特性和問題所在,並企圖將此論文所得和現象學研究法,與臨床實務間的關系及運用作一連結,並強調健康照顧者有必要同時注重照顧者與被照顧者自身的存在,及與他人和環境間共存共處之超越與流轉的關系與功夫。


This study utilizes the perspectives of phenomenological approach and existential analysis to understand the common meaning and existential status of care through the description of care-giving and care-receiving experiences by both psychiatric patients and their families. Multiple perspectives and methods were used for data cellection, including participant observation and individual and group interviews. Five themes emerged from the hermeneutic data analysis which represent the existential status and types of family care for psychiatric patients: (1) Taken-for-granted care; (2) Nonexistent care; (3) Limited care; (4) Replacemental or transcendental care; (5) Displacemental or exchangeable care. Following the results, several issues are discussed. First, the existential meaning and values of family care giving for psychiatric patients are explored. Subsequently, indigenous psychiatric mental health care problems in Taiwan are discussed. Finally, health professionals need to pay attention to the mutual existential caring status from self and others as well as the transcendental and exchangeable relationships from both the care-givers and the care-receivers perspectives.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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