


Fuling Shale Gas Field Commercial Development Course


呂明達(Ming-Tar Lu);陳耀輝(Yaw-Huei Chen)


二元富集 ; 井工廠 ; 一井一策 ; Two-Factor Enrichment ; Well Factory ; One Well One Policy




54卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


17 - 30




頁岩氣(Shale Gas)屬非傳統油氣資源(Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources),由於鑽井科技與設備材料快速演進,全球頁岩氣開發進入新的世代。頁岩氣的投入市場,不僅是重要的清潔能源,還是重要的化工原料,充裕、廉價的氣源, 大幅降低全球工業國及消費國家的物流成本(Logistic Costs),明顯地變動了石油世紀的經濟模式。美國與俄羅斯為全球天然氣生產大國,頁岩氣革命發生之後,中國驚訝地發現:全世界的頁岩氣,中國儲量竟然是第一(頁岩油則為第三)。至於可開採量,不是第一就是第二。按照儲量排行,依中國“十三五”(第十三個五年規劃綱要,2016~2020年)頁岩氣發展規劃,這意味著一場“頁岩氣革命”即將在中國發生。頁岩氣是資源量巨大的非傳統資源,但其儲層孔隙度與滲透率較低,總體上來說,中國頁岩氣基礎地質條件頗複雜,頁岩氣探勘開發面臨諸多困難和挑戰,亦即「單井產能低、開發難度高、生產投入大、投資風險高、經濟效益差、對環境衝擊大」,傳統的鑽井施工流程已不能滿足其開發要求。本文就中國的第一個頁岩氣田商業開發-重慶涪陵頁岩氣田,就其地質特性、二元富集(Two-Factor Enrichment)理論與綜合研究、震測分析、成烴-儲集-改造-埋藏演化與地質建模、井位評選、鑽探過程、即時資料處理、解釋評估與監測、水平井鑽鑿與液裂生產、商業開發、管線與市場、高效能安全環保,並引用加拿大能源公司Encana所提出以系統工程為理論基礎,將可控資源與生產要素最佳運用之“井工廠”開發模式,並精實於“一井一策”之營運管理(Operation Management),闡論其經濟價值與時代意義。


Shale Gas belongs to the Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources. Due to the rapid evolution of drilling technology and facility materials, worldwide shale gas development has entered a new generation. The market for shale gas is not only an important clean energy but also an important chemical raw material, ample and cheap gas source, significantly reducing the logistics costs of global industrial countries and consumer countries, and obviously changing the economic model of the petroleum century. The United States and Russia are the major natural gas producers in the world. After the occurrence of the shale gas revolution, China was surprised to recognize its reserves of shale gas beats the first (shale oil reaches the third). As for the produced amount would be the first or the second. As the ranking of reserves, according to China's "13th Five" (The 13th Five-Year Planning Outline, 2016~2020), concerning the shale gas development plan, this means that a "shale gas revolution" will spring up in China. Shale gas is an unconventional resource with huge amount. However, its reservoir porosity and permeability are quite low. Generally speaking, the basic geological conditions of shale gas in China are complex and the exploration and development encounter various difficulties and challenges. That is "Producing well has low production capacity, immense development difficulty, large production investment, high investment risk, poor economic returns, and large impact on the environment". The conventional drilling process can no longer meet its development requirements. This article deals with the commercial development of China's first shale gas field-Chongqing Fuling Shale Gas Field, for its geological characteristics, two-factor enrichment theory and comprehensive research, seismic analysis, hydrocarbon-reservoir-reconstruction- burial Evolution and Geological Modeling, Well Location Evaluation, Drilling Process, Real-time Data Processing, Interpretation Evaluation and Surveillance, Horizontal Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing Production, Commercial Development, Pipelines and Markets, High-Efficiency Safety and Environmental Protection, and reference from Canadian Energy Corporation, Encana, A "well factory" development model that puts controllable resources and production factors into optimal use on the basis of systems engineering, and puts forward operational management of "one well, one policy" to illustrate its economic value and the significance of the times.

主题分类 工程學 > 礦冶與冶金工程
社會科學 > 經濟學
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