


Technological Application of Tank Lorry Operation and Management -A Case Study of Integration of Tire Pressure/ Temperature and Seat Belt Video Monitoring System into the Electronic Internet of Things Management System for Tank Lorry


羅博童(Bo-Tung Lo);張文鶴(Wen-He Chang);林勝益(Sheng-i Lin);余澄慶(Chune-Ching Yu);許煜弘(Yu-Hung Hsu)


風險管理系統 ; 危害鑑別與風險評鑑 ; 風險評估 ; 先進駕駛輔助系統 ; 油罐車電子化物聯管理系統 ; 胎壓胎溫偵測系統 ; 駕駛座安全帶影像偵測 ; Risk management system ; Disaster identification and risk evaluation process ; risk assessment ; Advanced driver assistance systems ; Electronic internet of things management system for tank lorry ; Tire pressure and temperature monitoring system ; seat belt video monitoring




57卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


81 - 101




油罐車運油為油料供應消費端最主要之運輸方式,為送達加油站等目的地,油罐車常穿梭城鄉街道,往來於交通繁雜及人口密集地區,如發生工安事故,產生之危害遠高於一般車輛之意外事故,故預防及迴避油罐車工安意外,為油罐汽車營運管理者首要課題。論文先回顧CNS 31000風險管理系統及「危害鑑別與風險評鑑作業程序」等文獻,再檢視油罐汽車營運對職業安全衛生可能產生之危害與風險,透過危害鑑別與風險評鑑等作業程序,鑑定優先改善風險項目,並蒐集車輛先進駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, ADAS)等安全技術資訊,以設備改善及避免不安全駕駛行為為首要措施,達成風險管理目的。本研究統計近年台灣中油公司油罐車發生之工安意外事故,依上述危害鑑別與風險評鑑作業程序,鑑定輪胎起火及駕駛員未繫安全帶引起之事故,為優先改善風險項目,再應用自行開發建置之油罐車電子化物聯管理系統(Electronic Internet of Things Management System),結合車輛先進駕駛輔助系統之胎壓胎溫偵測系統(Tire Pressure & Tempture Monitoring System, TPTMS)及駕駛座安全帶影像偵測等安全技術科技,預防油罐車工安事故。


Tank lorry is the main mode of transportation for oil supply to customers of CPC Corporation, Taiwan. In order to deliver oil to destinations, tank lorries need to drive across heavily traffic areas as well as densely populated areas. Damage of traffic accidents caused by tank lorries are much higher than damage of traffic accidents caused by all the other vehicles. Therefore, the main critical tasks for tank lorry operators are to prevent and avoid tank lorry accidents.. This research begins with reviewing theories based on risk management systems including CNS 31000 and "disaster identification and risk evaluation process". Surveying potential damages and risks of tank lorry operations might impact on workplace health and safety. This research identifies priority risk items through the disaster identification and risk assessment process, and collects safety technique information from Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). To achieve risk management purpose, improving equipment and avoiding unsafe driving behaviors are the most important tasks. This research focus on analyzing tank lorries related to workplace accidents in database of CPC Corporation, Taiwan. Through the damage identification and risk assessment procedure, burning of tire and violation of fastening seat belts are the most important risk item noted. To improve risk items, the Electronic Internet of Things Management System was established in combination of safety techniques of Tire Pressure & Tempture Monitoring System (TPTMS) and video monitoring system of seat belt of driver's seat under Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, which helps prevention of tank lorry accidents.

主题分类 工程學 > 礦冶與冶金工程
社會科學 > 經濟學
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