


The Congjiuguanzang 從舊貫葬, and Bushi 不仕 of Ze and Lu 澤潞 Region in the Tang Dynasty




張正田(Zheng-Tian Zhang)


唐代 ; 昭義軍 ; 澤潞區 ; 從舊貫葬 ; 不仕 ; 處士 ; Tang Dynasty ; Zhaoyijun ; Ze and Lu Region ; Congjiuguanzang




37期(2005 / 07 / 01)


33 - 66






This article aims at regional study in order to reflect the previous studies on the centralism by examing the hic jacets at the Ze 澤 and Lu 潞 regions, Hedong Dao. 河東道 The author finds that due to the barren s oil, Shizu 士族, the highest 1evel in social status, rarely existed in this region. What we had find out from the hic jacets is that Xiaoxing class 小姓階級 was the majority in this region. These people served for the Tang government in the early period of this dynasty. However, it did not show the appearance of centralism but Congjiuguanzang 從舊貫葬, deeply rooted in their hometown without moving. Besides, those who did not want to serve and those whose family had not served for the government for many generations had increasingly grown. It may due to the Tang government's and Zhaoyijun's 昭義軍, the local troop, unable to control the local situation. Moreover, as the growing of the privatization of land and manorial economic system, new landlord groups did not cooperate with either the Tang government or the Zhaoyijun. Under this influence, those who did not want to serve and those whose family had not served for the government for generations had increased in this region. For those whose family had not served for the government for generations, we find that their descendents might not declined because of this situation. Instead, they might have dominated the local society. Therefore, this article assumes that the Xiaoxing class could still have maintained their social status without depending on the bureaucractic system by the central government.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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