


The Honan Revolutionary Volunteers and the Revolution of Shinhai




李南海(Nan-Hai Li)


辛亥革命 ; 同盟會 ; 諮議局 ; 都督 ; 君主立憲 ; The Revolution of Shinhai ; Tung Meng Hui ; the Bureau of Government Counsellor ; an army commander in ancient China ; Constitutional monarchy




38期(2006 / 06 / 01)


201 - 224




光緒31年(1905),中國同盟會在日本東京成立,旅日各省之留學生紛紛加入該組織。 河南省留日學生人數雖不多,但仍有多人參加。其後各省之留學生遵照總部之指示,返回原籍從事革命工作。河南省之留學生亦在此時返回該省,成立同盟會支部,積極展開革命工作。 除了在河南成立了革命團體外,並先後創辦《豫報》、《河南》、《女界》等雜誌,藉以宣傳和鼓吹革命思想。至於在開封的兩次起義,均因消息走漏而失敗,且造成張鍾端等11位革命志士慘遭殺害的悲劇。 由於開封的兩次起義均告失敗,自然影響到河南省未能與其他省份一樣宣告獨立。除了消息走漏是失敗的主因外,河南省地處中原,與外界接觸不易,思想較為保守,以及河南省未能鼓勵新軍參與,和袁世凱的東山再起,重掌軍政大權,有著密切的關係。 雖然河南省的獨立運動遭到挫折,未能如願,但革命同志所表現的大無畏精神,不亞於其他各省,仍是值得敬佩的。


In Kwangsi 31(1905), the Chinese Tung Meng Hui was established. Many students studying in Japan, took part in the organization. The Honan province's overseas students in Japan were not the most, but there were still many students to attend the group voluntarily. Later, many overseas students came back to their hometowns to promote the revolutionary work. At the same time, the Honan province's overseas-studing students also returned to their countries, and built the branch associations. They positively revolutionized their people in their countries. In addition to founding revolutionary groups, the revolutionary volunteers in the Honan province also published a newspaper and a magazine. By means of them, they were easier to express their thoughts and do their revolutionary work. In the Kaifeng Province, the volunteers started uprisings twice. Unfortunately, they failed because of the previous disclosure, and the eleven revolutionary volunteers were killed in the twice of uprisings. Due to the failures of Kaifeng Uprising, which made a great difference, they naturally influenced the Honan volunteers not to announce the independence of the Honan Province. Besides the main cause, the Honan Province was located in the Central China, so the people there couldn't easily contact with many other provinces' people. Because of the reason, the people there were more conservative. Further more, in the Honan Province, not many newly organized armies participated in the revolution, the newly organized armies had much to do with the rerising of Yuen Shekai in the later. Although the independent movement in the Honan Province couldn't be established, the brave and sacrificial spirit of the volunteers there was not less than that of other provinces' people. They were worth respecting and admiring.

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