


American's Wireless Interests in China and Discussing at the Washington Conference




林雅青(Ya-Ching Lin)


華盛頓會議 ; 中國無線電台 ; 三井合同 ; 馬康尼合同 ; 合眾無線電台合同 ; 門戶開放政策 ; Federal Telegraph Company ; Mitsui Company ; Marconi Company ; Washington Conference ; Open door policy ; China's Wireless Stations




38期(2006 / 06 / 01)


263 - 282




1921年1月,中國交通部與美國合眾電信公司訂立合同,兩國共同經營無線電台。此合同意味著美國與世界各地通訊,無須再經由第三國電信公司轉接,對美國而言是一重要國家利益。因此合眾電信公司獲得美國政府史無前例的支持。但是,英國與日本向中國政府提出強烈抗議,並堅持中國撤銷中美合同。美國一方面指責英、日與中國所訂合同,違反門戶開放原則,損及美國人民依中美望廈條約所獲得之權利。另一方面,在中國駐美大使施肇基的建議下,美國出面回應英、日抗議,藉此機會重申對華門戶開放政策,中美無線電台案因此而具有重要意義。合約交涉過程中,美國政府以嚴厲的措詞催促中國盡快結案,更因為不滿中國拖延附約之簽訂,質疑中國對「門戶開放」政策的態度。中國所處地位甚難,一方是積極對華擴張的日本,另一方是與日本結盟之英國,惟有支持美國主張之門戶開放政策,才能獲得外交保障。 華盛頓會議召開後,中美無線電台合同面臨另一項挑戰。會中英、法、日支持國際共管中國無線電台草案,頗有取代中美合同之可能。雖然太平洋暨遠東問題委員會因五國海軍協定案的表決而休會一個月,但是美國國務卿仍要求合眾電信公司總裁立刻趕赴華盛頓共商對策。美國代表於會議重開後,以臨時動議的方式,提出美方建議案,要求重新討論共管中國無線電台案。華盛頓會議最後並未對國際共管案作出任何表決。〈撤銷外國在華無線電台案〉,則在中國代表棄權的情況下獲得通過。


Wireless Interests of the Powers in China was complicated. The difficulty arose mainly from the fact that the Chinese Governments granted a number of concessions possessed by various of the Treaty Powers, especially by Japan, Great Britain and the United States. The dispute was not only between China and the Powers but also between the Powers themselves. On January 8, 1921, the Chinese Government contracted with the Federal Telegraph Company to establish wireless services between the United States and China. The contract was unprecedented supported by the American Government because it represented free communication that was very important national interest of the United States. The Japanese and British Governments protested the contract intensely and persisted the Chinese Government stopped the contract. The Washington Conference opened its sessions on November 12, 1921. However, the contest between the Companies was not brought directly before the Conference. The discussion was related to bringing China's wireless stations under international control. The draft of internationalization of China's Wireless Stations was possibly substitutes for the Federal Wireless contract. The article will be concerned with the American Government's reply to the argument and the position on the draft of internationalization of China's Wireless Stations at the Conference.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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