题名 |
唐君毅先生(1909-1978)的史學價值判斷論 |
并列篇名 |
T'ang Chun-I on the Value Judgement of the Science of History |
10.29976/BHARC.200709.0003 |
作者 |
黃兆強(Siu-Keng Wong) |
关键词 |
唐君毅 ; 歷史 ; 史學 ; 史學價值判斷 ; 價值意識 ; 史評 ; 史論 ; T'ang Chun-I ; history ; the science of history ; historical value ; judgement ; historical opinion ; historical discourse |
期刊名称 |
中國歷史學會史學集刊 |
卷期/出版年月 |
39期(2007 / 09 / 01) |
页次 |
55 - 73 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
業師唐君毅先生是一個偉大的思想家、理想主義者、人文主義者、文化意識宇宙中的巨人(後者爲業師牟宗二先生悼辭中對唐先生的稱頌語)。其學問既精且博,固無論矣。其道德使命感之強,其淑世情懷之厚而落實之以奮鬥不懈之精神而成就百年樹人之教育事業,尤使人欽佩。先生的學術專業是哲學,但先生的學問絕不以哲學爲囿限。文學、史學、教育學、藝術,以至一般的社會科學及人類文化諸大端,唐先生都有一定的認識和研究。各專著中慧解通識盈篇,尤使人讚嘆莫名。筆者雅好誦讀唐先生的著作(先生的著述收錄於《唐君毅全集》,共二卜冊,約一千萬言;最後二冊,則爲紀念集及年譜等等非唐先生本人之著述)。惟先生才大學博,中西印等各哲學問題,皆極深研幾。筆者如鼴鼠飲河,充其量而已。顧以研治史學之故,唐先生之相關論述,個人尤其珍好;並先後發表拙文數篇(篇名詳本文註一),以示讀後之心得而已;文章粗陋,固無當於著述也。 史學上的價值判斷及價值判斷所據之價值意識,唐先生之論述至爲允當精審;惟散見於先生各大著中,筆者不自量力,肆意蒐尋鉤稽,並據以粗成拙文。茲開列其重點如下: 一、前言:天氣報告員預測翌日天氣時,於預測異常高溫及異常低溫之後,通常會進一步以“非常炎熱”及“非常寒冷”來提醒觀眾,藉以使觀眾作適當之預防。而“非常炎熱”及“非常寒冷”,乃可謂天氣報告員依個人感覺或設想當地聽眾/觀眾可有之感覺而作出的價值判斷。如吾人接受(至少不排斥)此等用語,則吾人應本同一心態而不當排斥史學上的價值判斷。 二、中國史學傳統中的價值判斷:筆者縱觀二二千年的中國歷史,得悉史家恆喜作價值判斷(史評、史論)。其原因至少有兩方面: (一)如同一般人,史家總是喜歡議論。 (二)史家有道德使命感,希望藉以提供後世作爲行事做人的參考。 二、唐先生論史學上的價值判斷: (一)「史評」、「史論」乃「史學上價值判斷」之異稱:筆者爲避免讀者產生疑惑,文中先指出此二名詞在拙文中實同一涵義;而前兩名詞爲一般的慣用語。 (二)歷史哲學含對史事予以價值判斷,且其爲中國人素所重視之學術傳統歷史哲學有三義: 1、對歷史進程之本身進行反省並作出解釋;此等解釋,一般稱爲史觀。如唯物史觀、進化史觀、神權史觀、循環史觀等等便是。 2、對史學致知活動進行反省,此包括對致知過程及致知方法之效限作探究及批判。 3、對史事及歷史人物作價值判斷。中國人所重視者,恆爲此第二義。唐先生對此亦特別關注。 (二)史學上的價值判斷爲必然且應然者: 1、必然:史家不異乎常人,而同爲有血有肉之人,故自然而然的便會對歷史上的是非、善惡、得失、利害,加以價值判斷。 2、應然:(1)史家爲使世人之讀其書者成就聖王事業,或使後世移風易俗,而不容自已地作出價值判斷;(2)史家爲使史事更明晰,且爲使讀者之思想得以開通,亦不容自已地作出價值判斷。(此史家之應然行爲,唐先生是非常贊成的。) (四)史家不作價值判斷非蔽於事而不知理,即心存取巧以卸責而已: 1、蔽於事而不知理:若認爲人所作成之史事記錄爲客觀,則同爲人所作成之價值判斷應同樣客觀。只認爲前者爲客觀,而不承認後者爲客觀,是蔽於事而不知理。 2、心存取巧卸責:若藉口留待天下後世之公論而自己不作價值判斷,這是自逸、取巧、無擔當。 (五)史學上之價值判斷/價值意識促進並創造人世間有價值意義之事物及排棄並超拔反價值意義之事物:史學上的價值判斷/價值意識不只幫助史家執行、貫徹「誅奸諛於既死,發潛德之幽光」的使命感而已,兼且在人類所創造的未來的歷史中,會使人珍愛有價值之事物,排棄反價值的事物。 (六)施加價值判斷應在建立相關知識之後:傳統中國,道德意識/價值意識,恆爲首要者。但面對今天知識經濟爲主導的情況下,爲求國家永續的生存發展,知性主體應先建立,然後再施加價值判斷。 四、餘論:筆者從智慧及仁德兩方面,總論唐先生之史學價值判斷論;認爲唐先生發乎智的學識及本乎仁的修養使他的史學價值判斷論既富創意,亦充份反映其愷然儒者的人文關懷。 |
英文摘要 |
Professor T'ang Chun-I is a philosopher, idealist, humanist and neo-Confucianist. He commands a great variety of different kinds of knowledge. His concern of the different aspects of culture, of the development of human history as well as of the science of history is noteworthy. However, his consideration of the latter is not well known. By the way, as a historian, I am very interested in his discussion on the topic of the science of history, especially on his discourse on the value judgement of the science of history. The present article thus serves as a tentative attempt to elaborate his theory relative to the historical value judgement. It contains the following four parts: (1) Introduction I am of the opinion that if we accept the weather reporter, whose very aim is to provide the best service to the spectators, to use the terms ”very hot”, ”very cold”, etc. which are actually value orientated, to forecast next day's weather, we should, due to the same reason (to provide the best service to the readers), accept the historians to pass the value judgement on the past events as well as on the historical figures. (2) The Chinese historians' tradition of passing value judgement The author of the present article gives a brief account on the Chinese historians' tradition of passing value judgement, which has lasted more than two thousand or even three thousand years. (3) T'ang Chun-I's theory of passing historical value judgement (a) Firstly, the author of the present article identifies the following terms: historical opinion, historical discourse and historical value judgement, due to the reason that they have roughly the same meaning. (b)The content of the philosophy of history is rather rich. Among the different ”ingredients”, historical value judgement is without any doubt part of it; and it is this very part which is most noteworthy in the Chinese historical tradition. As a result, T'ang Chun-I pays great attention to it. (c) T'ang Chun-I is of the opinion that to pass historical value judgement is a quite natural human behavior. Furthermore, he states that it is actually a historian's obligation and duty to do so. (d) T'ang Chun-I argues that those historians who object to pass historical value judgment is ridiculous and is actually a dereliction of duty. (e)T'ang Chun-I claims that the historical value judgement actually plays an important role of promoting the valuable human performances and transforming the performances contrary to the human values. (f) T'ang Chun-I states that historians should anyhow pass value judgement, but strongly suggests that it should be passed after factual judgement has been made, because this is the very way of training and cultivating oneself to be a cognitive subject. (4) Conclusion The author of the present article finally affirms that T'ang Chun-I is a philosopher full of wisdom and benevolence, his discussion on the issue of the historical value judgement serves as a good example. |
主题分类 |
人文學 >
歷史學 |
参考文献 |