


The Love Identification in 《Funu Zazh Magazine》




劉緯道(Wei-Tao Liu)


戀愛 ; 婦女雜誌 ; 婚姻 ; 社交自由 ; 性 ; Love ; Funu Zazhi ; Marriage ; Social Interaction ; Sex




41期(2009 / 10 / 01)


201 - 242




商務印書館所出版的《婦女雜誌》,始於1915年、終於1932年,共兩百零四號,發售量多達萬份,其壽命之長、銷售之廣,可謂有相當影響力之雜誌。婦女雜誌的觀點並非從一而終,而是有相當激烈的轉變。由初始的賢妻良母論點,經五四運動的衝擊轉而高呼戀愛自由、戀愛萬歲,但最後幾年卻又回到以客觀角度來談論戀愛。因此以婦女雜誌為研究對象,似可代表當時中國對於戀愛觀念的理解、運用以及變化。 在高呼戀愛的階段,婦女雜誌視戀愛作為解放婦女、拯救中國的唯一途徑。由於戀愛需要社交,因此必須打破男女隔離;戀愛與性不可分,因此反對以傳宗接代為主的性;戀愛最終需要結婚,因此反對父母代定的包辦婚姻,進而要求離婚以救陷入深淵的婦女。由於戀愛包羅萬象,因此與女子教育、婦女解放、社會改革等需求結合,卻又凌駕其上,造成戀愛至上的奇特現象。 在高度提倡戀愛之下,勢必有逾舉的行為出現。男子寄情書、女子重社交、兩性以戀愛為遊戲、騙子以戀愛玩弄異性的情形屢屢出現,批評日益增加。在主編更替後,婦女雜誌不再過度提倡戀愛,討論戀愛缺失的文章增加,可見雜誌開始以客觀角度談論戀愛,直至結束。


The Funu Zazhi was first published by Commercial Press in 1915, ended in 1932, the longest volume include the number 204, amounting more than ten thousand volumes and widely spreading its influence. However, its view had not always reminded the same, it changed drastically. From the initial viewpoint of a dutiful wife and loving mother to the freedom to choose one's spouse affected by the Five-Four Movement. It changed again to the initial point of an objective love within a few years. As a result, a research of Funu Zazhi could represent China's viewpoints toward love at that time to understand, to exercise and to change. At the stage of free love, Funu Zazhi was regarded as the only means to free women, and to save China. A free love needed social interactions so that it could break the obstacles of the two genders; love and sex was inseparate so that it refused the kind of sex nurturing offspring; a love should end in a the kind of marriage arranged by parents. Love was so comprehensive to combine the issues of feminine education, liberation of female and social reform but at the same time to go above all these, leaving a weird social phenomenon that love was the top priority above all. At an atmosphere of highly advocating free love, there must be occurring behaviors that go beyond. Men writing love letters and women over-emphasizing on social interactions, these kinds of behaviors that took love as a game and that people were cheated by people could not be more than before, as the criticism described on articles. After the replacement of editors, Funu Zazhi were no longer over emphasizing love and the increase of critical article about love could be seen as a change of viewpoint toward love from free love to an objective attitude until it ended.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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