


The Vicissitudes of the Public Corvee System of Traditional China in the Perspective of state-society Relation




席會東(Hui-Dong Xi)


傳統國家 ; 興工發役制度 ; 國家職能 ; 國家與社會關係 ; Traditional State ; Public Corvee System ; State Functions ; State-Society Relationship




41期(2009 / 10 / 01)


341 - 364






The public corvee system comprises two levels of national public works: the construction system and the service system. China was traditionally a centralized ”territorial state”, and a vital condition for the national unification was the construction of public works, which was based upon the levy and employment of forced service, or corvee. The vicissitudes of the public corvee system were intimately related to the national land system, the domiciliary register system, the tax system, and the level of both economical development and technological development. The public corvee system was an important manifestation of such factors in the context of centralization and bureaucracy as the state-populace relation, the state-society relation, state functions, means of social organization and technology. Relating to the service levy system, the fact was that during the period stretching from the Qin and Han dynasties down to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, taxes and services were separated, while the latter was by contrast more burdensome, with the mode of service being direct labor, which indicates a tight personal control over the populace by the state. The span from Sui and Tang dynasties to the former period of Ming dynasty saw a gradual transformation of services to taxes and formation and perfection of the system of service by hire, showing that the direct control exercised by the state over the populace got relaxed. After the Mid-Ming period, taxes and services came to be integrated, and the system of service by hire was adopted universally, the state control over the people becoming more slackened. As to the construction system, the public works undertaken by the traditional state, such as irrigation works, military defense works, traffic works and political and religious works, depended to a large extent upon the geopolitical situation and the administrative center of each dynasty. And in terms of the structure of state powers and functions and of the state-society relationship, the institutions and offices relating to the public works stood relatively low in the imperial political hierarchy, which imparts an impression that in traditional China the state's socio-economical functions were relatively marginal, whereas the political function predominated. Ever since the Qin dynasty, the centralizing trend had been gathering momentum, while the powers of local governments been declining and their function of public construction been being weakened, thus the part played by the non-official social groups in the local construction of public works became increasingly patent. The public nature of engineering works organized by the traditional state after Qin and Han dynasties had been intensifying itself, accompanied by a progress, though slow, in the professionalization of the establishment of state offices in traditional China.

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