


A Study of the Revision of the Imperial Annals of the Four Southern Dynasties




陳金城(Chin-Chen Chen)


南朝四史 ; 本紀 ; 纂修 ; 隱性敘事 ; Histories of the Four Southern Dynasties ; Imperial Annals ; Compilation ; implicit narration




42期(2010 / 10 / 01)


60 - 85






The Southern Dynasties is a turning point in terms of the development of historiography. To make theoretical arguments about the development of historiography, a scholar has to have a clear understanding of the history during this period of time. The Imperial Annals provide an outline for the historic records of a specific dynasty. Those who are committed to the exploration of the history of the Southern Dynasties have to emphasize the issues concerning the revision of the Imperial Annals of the Four Southern Dynasties and the derivative issues. However, such issues have been neglected by contemporary scholars and there has not been any monograph dedicated to these issues.This paper focuses on the writing, editing and compiling of the Imperial Annals of the Four Southern Dynasties, including Sung-shu, Nan-Ch'i-shu, Liang-shu, and Chen-shu (Imperial Annals of the Sung, Nan-Ch'i, Liang, and Chen Dynasties). The number of the existing volumes of the imperial historical records is questioned and the outlining of the Annals is explored in this paper. Besides, issues concerning the writing styles of the Imperial Annals such as recording about the lines of the royal descents, usurping of the throne, postscript about the previous dynasty, and ousting of the emperor are also probed. The royal families of the four dynasties all claimed themselves the lineal descendants of influential families, which raises a lot of suspicions from the readers. The writing styles about usurping of the throne are characteristic with embellishment. In terms of chronicling, only year and months were used in describing the history before the founding of the specific dynasty. After that, the style of ”Spring and Autumn Wushi” (春秋五始) was adopted, which employed five elements to describe the inception of a dynasty, including the founding emperor, year, season, month, and ascending to the throne. However, when it comes to the titles of the individual founding emperor, the four dynasties addressed this great figure differently: ”Gaozhu” (高祖) was used by the Liang-shu and the Chen-shu; ”Shang” (上) was adopted by the Nan-Ch'i-shu. Yet; no title but implicit narration was given by the Sung-shu. Historiographers seemed to enjoy more freedom in the field of postscript about the previous dynasty. There were no strict styles for them to follow exactly. Some wrote about the appearance and elegant demeanor of the last emperor of the previous dynasty; others gave accounts to the indecencies of the ending emperor. The writing styles in this field varied greatly.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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