


A Preliminary Investigation of the Qing Sub-Prefecture System




席會東(Hui-Dong Xi)


清代 ; 廳制 ; 派遣廳 ; 政區廳 ; 廳城 ; Qing Dynasty ; Sub-Prefecture ; Dispatched Sub-Prefecture ; Administrative Sub-Prefecture ; Cities of Sub-Prefecture




43期(2011 / 10 / 01)


85 - 109






The Sub-Prefecture, a distinctive form of administrative divisions in the Qing Dynasty, can be divided into two categories by its nature: one is the 「dispatched sub-prefecture」 which does not hold full features of the administrative division; the other is the 「administrative sub-prefecture」 with the complete administrative functions like prefecture or county. The dispatched sub-prefectures which held the special and professional functions mainly distributed along the Yellow River, the Grand Canal, the Yangtze River and the coastal areas. The administrative sub-prefectures with the marginal, transitional, farming and defensive nature mainly distributed in the frontier areas, newly developed territories and the fringes of hinterland in the Qing dynasty. From the perspective of time, the installation of Qianzhou Ting and Fenghuang Ting in the Kangxi Reign was the beginning and examples of administrative sub-prefectures. During the Yongzheng Reign and the Qianlong Reign, the administrative sub-prefecture system which had been broadly implemented in the newly developed territories inhabited by minority peoples and the borderland between administrative divisions in the southwest and northwest China, gradually evolved into a customized and important type of administrative division. During the Guangxu Reign and the Xuantong Reign, the administrative sub-prefecture system had been further extended to the northeast, the northwest China. From the geographical perspective, in southwest China, the installation and implementation of administrative sub-prefecture system was the method for the Qing Government to strengthen control of the ethnic minority areas. In northwest China, the installation and implementation of administrative sub-prefecture system was the transformation process of the military systems to civilian systems. In northeast China, the installation and implementation of administrative sub-prefecture system was mainly the process of immigrants and economic development. The installation and implementation process of the administrative sub-prefecture system was also the process of territorial expansion, unification deepen and regional development. It is the administrative sub-prefecture system that played the role of regional integration, national integration, and regional development by extending the advanced production methods, lifestyles, institutions from the hinterland to the newly developed territories or ethnic frontier areas.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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