


The Initiative for Humanities and Social Sciences Research Resource Center




劉吉軒(Jyi-Shane Liu);柯雲娥(Yun-Er Ke);郭麗芳(Li-Fang Kuo);張惠真(Hui-Chen Chang);林淑君(Shu-Chun Lin)


人文學 ; 社會科學 ; 研究資源中心 ; 學術傳播 ; 資訊需求 ; Humanities ; Social sciences ; Research resource center ; Scholarly communication ; Information need




62期(2007 / 08 / 01)


1 - 21






This paper intends to present a role analysis and operational design for the establishment of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) research resources center. An overall description of the developmental strategies of an HSS center will be outlined in this paper, based on a literature survey of information needs in HSS research communities and on an assessment of existing HSS institutional resources. This study advocates the establishment of HSS center with operational independence and financial stability in universities. The purpose of an HSS center is to provide integrated services of collecting Taiwan's HSS research resources and in this way to create an excellent academic environment for high-quality research activities. The long-term mission is to facilitate the HSS research competitiveness of Taiwan. In particular, the tasks of an HSS center include: (1) collecting domestic research data and achievements; (2) providing convenient access to international research resources; (3) improving the accessibility and applicability of research resources by means of information and communication technologies; (4) creating a research atmosphere of interaction between users and information. Main activities in the vertical line of the dissemination process involve the collection, organization, connection, extraction, and provision of academic resources. The vertical line of the dissemination process would be combined with industry-academic-government research activities and professionals in the horizontal direction, which will lead to a fully connected supply chain of HSS knowledge. It is expected that an HSS center might be ultimately developed into the nucleus of a new form of creative HSS research in the age of knowledge economy.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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