


The Concept and Construction of Academic Library Learning Commons




楊美華(Mei-Hwa Yang)


大學圖書館 ; 資訊共享空間 ; 學習共享空間 ; Academic Library ; Information Commons ; Learning Commons




69期(2009 / 05 / 01)


1 - 17




後Google時代,大學圖書館面臨更嚴峻的考驗。學習共享空間係透過圖書館實體空間的重新配置和虛擬空間資訊、技術與知識整合的服務,以及研究與學習的指導,來提供讀者一個「一站購足、一步到位」,連續性且動態之資訊服務與合作學習的共享空間。學習共享空間已成為大學圖書館發展的新潮流,館舍的建築和配備應融入IC(Information Commons)的元素。本文首先說明資訊共享空間的意涵、目的與發展趨勢、其次分析資訊共享空間的特性與結構,最後比較我國八所大學圖書館學習共享空間建置的情形,探討其對圖書館建築的影響,並提出建議供相關單位採擇實施。


In the post-Google age, university libraries face more crucial challenges in its functionality than before. The idea of ”Library Learning Commons” is one of the products created in confrontation with the new challenges. This idea suggests a reconfiguration of the physical space in a library and an integrated service of information, knowledge, and technology as well as instructions for research and study in the virtual space. The aim of establishing this multi-purpose space of learning commons means to afford readers the convenience of ”one stop for all shopping, one step for all needed,” enjoying instantaneous and dynamic information services as well as the shared space for collaboration and learning. The design of learning commons has become a new trend in the general development of university libraries. An integration of IC (Information Commons) elements into both the construction of library buildings and the furnishment has been gradually considered indispensable. This paper first introduces the main idea, purpose, and trend of the development of ”Information Commons,” whose structure and characteristics will then be analyzed. Lastly, the idea of ”Information Commons” will be illustrated through case studies on the establishment of this kind of shared space in eight university libraries in Taiwan, with an exploration of its impacts on library spatial organization and construction. This paper will also propose some useful suggestions for future consideration in planning information learning commons.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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