


Information & Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research




袁大鈺(Da-Yu Yuan);林奇秀(Chi-Shiou Lin)


非正式學術傳播 ; 資訊傳播科技 ; 電子郵件 ; 合力研究場域 ; 電子論壇 ; Informal scholarly communication ; Information & communication technologies ICTs ; E-mail ; Collaboratory ; Electronic forum




69期(2009 / 05 / 01)


52 - 77




本文的探索主題爲數位環境中的非正式學術傳播現象,特別是各類資訊傳播科技(Information & communication technologies, ICTs)使用於非正式學術傳播中所造成的社群關係及互動模式的變化。本文共分析10篇社會取向的實證研究,這些研究所關注的ICTs型態包含電子郵件、合力研究場域及電子論壇。本文發現這些研究多在探討ICTs使用對非正式學術傳播產生之社會效應,僅少數討論社會文化脈絡對ICTs的影響與型塑作用。在比較各項研究發現後,本文歸納出ICTs使用的七個影響層面並提出未來研究之建議。


This article reviews prior research findings on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical studies revealing the relations between information & communication technologies (ICTs) and informal scholarly communication were analyzed and compared; a focus on research revealing the social impact or social shaping of ICTs had guided the paper selection. Types of ICTs covered in those studies included e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. Most of the reviewed studies had focused on the effects or consequences of ICTs; only a few existing research had examined the social shaping of ICTs or ICT uses in social contexts. Based on what the studies were chiefly concerned, this article summarized seven aspects of ICT uses. Similar and contradictory findings were discussed and suggestions for future research were provided.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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