


The Conceptions and Suggestions for Reading Promotion Programs




黃玫溱(Mei-Jhen Huang);林巧敏(Chiao-Min Lin)


閱讀計畫 ; 閱讀能力 ; 閱讀活動 ; 閱讀推動 ; Reading program ; Reading level ; Reading activity ; Reading promotion




70期(2009 / 08 / 01)


48 - 60






Reading is the base of lifelong learning, playing an important role in national competitiveness. This study, on the one hand, reveals the achievements of reading promotion in Taiwan and on the other, analyzes reading programs as well as their developing organizations in the Netherlands, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States. In light of the overseas experiences and the current status in Taiwan, this study offers some constructive suggestions on reading promotion for families, schools, and institutions.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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