This study attempts to examine the feminine characteristics of middle-ranking leadership in university libraries in Taiwan. The research proceeds with in-depth interviews of 20 university librarians and their middle-ranking managers. Results of the interviews reveal that feminine characteristics of leadership are displayed in five crucial dimensions: nonhierarchical management, conflict management, information sharing, supportive environment, and concern for diversity. These dimensions correspond to the conceptual propositions expounded in previous literature on the same issue. Moreover, this research discovers that in certain cases, male managers also share the feminine characteristics of leadership. The interviewed librarians and middle-ranking managers acknowledge differences in leadership between male and female managers. Factors that may lead to the differences include personalities, culturally given roles for males and females, occupational positions, environment, professional capabilities, professional training, education levels, working seniority, and individual character. Among the findings, a noticeable result shows that 80% of middle-ranking managers believe that differences in leadership between male and female managers mainly lie in the differences in their occupational positions. Based on the research results, this paper also provides suggestions for policies and studies related to feminine characteristics of leadership.
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