This paper attempts to methodologically organize the abundant information spreading throughout the historical materials and references relevant to the Ming and the Qing dynasties, based on the principle of respecting the historical facts reflected from these materials. With information service as the main purpose, this research intends to provide users with multiple and flexible functions of operation. Meanwhile, abiding by the user-oriented premise as well as constructing a correlative analysis of information contents and system functions, this research tries to launch the practical establishment of three databases, including Database of the Ming-Qing Grand Secretariat, Ming-Qing Biographical Database, and Database of Ming-Qing Government Officials. Through the analysis and organization carried out by these databases, this paper will explore the contextual links between individuals and social relations (government officials) in the Ming and the Qing dynasties. This exploration may provide multi-contextual information service and reorient historians toward new issues and research fields pertaining to this historical period.
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