


Human Flesh Search: A Literature Review




林奇秀(Chi-Shiou Lin)


人肉搜索 ; Human flesh search




79期(2011 / 12 / 01)


31 - 47






Human Flesh Search (HFS) is a recent popular Internet phenomenon that attracts social attention. HFS is collaborative information search conducted by voluntary Internet users to identify specific persons or to uncover the truth of controversial events. This paper reviews the existing Chinese and English scholarly papers on HFS and discusses on the definitions, development, and characteristics of HFS, followed by a summary of HFS's social contexts, motivations for participation, search processes and behavior, and search strategies as described or reported in the existing literature. It also introduces a list of theories that have been applied in HFS discussions from the perspectives of communication, sociology, and cultural studies. This paper then reports findings from the currently limited empirical studies that are of interest to information science research. Based on the review, the author recommends that future research may study HFS as an information-seeking behavior and should enhance the quality of research design.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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