This article uses citation analysis to study citation behavior and research performance of economists and sociologists in Taiwan. Regarding citation behavior, economists tend to cite materials from journal articles, while sociologists tend to apply citations from books. As for research performance, the results show that there is a consistency between citation rankings made among top economics and sociology journals and citation rankings made among journals of general fields. The consistency indicates that citation counts made among top economics and sociology journals can generally reflect the impact of researchers from the two fields. In contrast, rankings of highly cited researchers nonetheless show no close correlation with rankings of outstanding researchers. Also, the correlation between rankings of cited researchers and numbers of their research projects sponsored by National Science Council (NSC) is statistically moderate in economics while unobvious in sociology. The discovery suggests that citation analysis may not necessarily be applicable to evaluations of research performance in the fields of economics and sociology. Evaluations based on the standard of citation behavior require well-judged interpretations.
國立新竹教育大學教務處學術發展組 (民 95)。國內三十六所大學校級教師評鑑相關辦法彙編。上網日期:民國 97 年10 月30 日。檢自:http//www.nhcue.edu.tw/~aca/te/004.doc
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