This study attempts to investigate the electronic journal reading behavior of social scientists in China. The main purposes of the study are firstly, to generally explore the importance of e-journals in social scientists' research, secondly to specifically examine the e-journal reading behavior of Chinese social scientists, and lastly to make comparisons of different types of e-journal reading behavior between social scientists in China and social scientists in Western countries. Two surveys were respectively carried out in Wu-Han University and in Nanjing University in China in 2012. The target population included the social sciences faculty members and researchers of Wu-Han University and Nanjing University, from whom 374 valid questionnaires were collected. Analysis of these questionnaires shows that 96% of social scientists in China appreciate the resources of e-journals, and 58.1% of them read Chinese electronic articles, with an annual average of 407 e-journal articles on an individual basis, which approximates 465 reading hours annually. Information regarding the e-journal reading environment, reading methods, reading strategies, and reading effects of social scientists in China are described and appraised. Four types of e-journal reading behavior of social scientists in China are also observed in this study, including screen browsing, screen-based reading, print reading, and cross-references between electronic and print reading material.
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