


Strategies for Coping with Applications of RDA in Different Countries




牛惠曼(Hui-Man Niu);簡秀娟(Hsiu-Chuan Chien)


資源描述與檢索(RDA) ; 編目規則 ; 書目框架 ; 關聯資料 ; 語意網 ; Resource Description and Access (RDA) ; Cataloging rules ; Bibliographic framework ; Linked data ; Semantic web




84期(2014 / 05 / 01)


51 - 76






Resource Description and Access (RDA), as a content standard for metadata of all contents and media, has been developed by JSC on the basis of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR). RDA, designed for international applications in digital environments, will gradually replace AACR and become a standard for information bibliography. To improve the availability of users' interfaces, RDA is aligned with models such as FRBR and FRAD. Moreover, its compatibility with the semantic web further elastically enhances the portability of data within web environments and the interoperability between data and other standards. RDA will be an important milestone in the future development of resource organizations and services. In addition to providing an overview of the development of RDA and its basic concepts, this paper will also analyze the impact of RDA on the automation system and strategies for coping with applications of RDA in different countries. Suggestions in relation to development and promotion of RDA will be proposed for future reference.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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