


Asthma Experience and Management Program for Preschoolers




洪兆嘉(Chao-Chia Hung);高碧霞(Bih-Shya Gau)


幼稚園 ; 氣喘 ; 學童 ; 老師 ; 氣喘管理計劃 ; preschool ; asthma ; pupils ; teacher ; asthma management program




23卷1期(2004 / 02 / 01)


80 - 89






Objectives: To introduce the characteristics of asthma and propose feasible asthma management programs and strategies for enhancing the knowledge and management efficacy of asthma care of preschoolers among health professionals. Method: A systematic literature review was conducted to explore the documents published at websites from 1987 to 2002, to integrate the empirical experience of asthma care practices and to propose asthma management programs and strategies. Results: Environmental control, pharmacological approach, pulmonary function evaluation and patient education are the essential components of asthma care for children. A comprehensive asthma management program should include establishing the medical record in school, ascertaining the accessible asthma medicine, avoiding or controlling the triggers of asthma, and regulating the management protocol of urgent episodes or exacerbations. Conclusion: Since the age of children suffering from asthma is declining yearly, the collaboration of health care professionals, preschool education system and family is emphasized to establish a comprehensive asthma management program for enhancing the quality of care for preschoolers with asthma.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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