


An Analysis of Factors Associated with Hospital Utilization for Senior Veterans in Taiwan




朱慧凡(Hui-Fan Chu);吳肖琪(Shiao-Chi Wu)


六十五歲以上榮民 ; 住院利用 ; 兩部門模式 ; senior veterans ; hospital utilization ; two-part model




23卷4期(2004 / 08 / 01)


297 - 304




目標:探討六十五歲以上榮民之住院利用情況及其影響因素,以提供相關單位制定榮民醫療政策之參考。 方法:以六十五歲以上榮民為研究對象,連結88年健保住院申報資料,採兩部門模式(two-part model)分析影響榮民是否住院與住院次數之因素。 結果:88年六十五歲以上榮民住院使用率為24%,每百人住院人次為45人次,迴歸分析發現男性、年齡較大、有重大傷病、投保類別為第五類、教育程度較低、退伍軍階較低、內住就養、與未婚之榮民在是否住院與住院次數上皆顯著較高。 結論:榮民持續老化將使住院醫療需求快速增加,建議衛生署與退輔會應加強提供榮民服務並規劃長期照護,確實了解榮民就醫之需求,以提升榮民的照護品質。


Objectives: To explore the factors of hospital utilization in senior veterans as a reference for medical policy to be used by the government. Methods: Using veteran population files and national health insurance inpatient claim data to analyze the factors associated with hospital utilization. A two-part model was used to examine the factors leading to hospitalization and the number of hospitalizations. Results: In 1999, the user rate was 24 per 100 veterans, and the discharge rate was 45 per 100 veterans. The regression results indicated that senior veterans who were male, unmarried, category 5 beneficiaries, having severe illness, lower educated, lower military rank, and living in nursing home, have a significantly higher rate and number of hospitalization. Conclusions: With the aging of senior veterans, the Department of Health and the Veterans Affairs Commission should reinforce the supply of medical services and long-term care for senior veterans.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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