


Cumulative Incident Rate and Associated Factors of Falls among the Elderly in Shih-Pai, Taiwan




黃少君(Shao-Chun Huang);陳曾基(Tzeng-Ji Chen);周碧瑟(Pesus Chou)


跌倒 ; 相關因素 ; 累積發生率 ; 老人 ; fall ; associated factor ; cumulative incident rate ; the elderly




24卷2期(2005 / 04 / 01)


136 - 145




目標:探討石牌地區老人跌倒之累積發生率與相關因素。方法:本研究以社區為基礎的族群調查研究法,探討臺北市石牌地區 65歲以上老人的跌倒累積發生率及其相關因素。訪員根據問卷面對面訪談石牌地區65歲以上老人,問卷內容包括基本人口學資料、飲食習慣、個人疾病史等。統計分析方法包括單變項分析(卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析)及邏輯斯多變項回歸分析,以建立跌倒的預測模式。結果:總共2,045人完成問卷調查,完訪率為54.6%,在過去一年曾經跌倒者有303位,其累積發生率為14.8%。在單變項分析中,與過去一年曾跌倒者有顯著相關因素包括性別、婚姻狀況、教育程度、服用鈣片、糖尿病、痛風性關節炎、失眠、憂鬱、姿態性低血壓箏。在邏輯斯多變項廻歸分析中,與過去一年曾經跌倒者有顯著相關因素包括性別、痛風性關節炎、憂鬱、姿態性低血壓等。結論:本研究發現跌倒的相關因素為性別、痛風性關節炎、憂鬱、姿態性低血壓。除了性別與個人疾病史外,姿態性低血壓是社區老人跌倒的重要相關因素。


Objectives: To determine the cumulative incident rate and associated factors for falls among the elderly in Shih-Pai, Taipei. Methods: This study was a community-based survey to determine the cumulative incident rate and associated factors for falls among the elderly above 65 years old in Shih-Pai, Taipei. The elderly were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The data collected included socio-demographic factors, dietary habits, and self-reported medical history. The statistical methods included univariate analyses (chi-square, one way ANOVA), and logistic regression to construct a fall-risk model for the elderly. Results: Totally, 2,045 subjects answered the questionnaire (response rate, 54.6%). In the past year, 303 persons fell one or more times; the one-year cumulative incident rate of falls was 14.8%. Univariate analyses showed that the significant associated factors were gender, marital status, level of education, dietary calcium intake, diabetes, gout, insomnia, depression, and orthostatic hypotension. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the significant associated factors were gender, gout, depression, and orthostatic hypotension. Conclusions: This study found that the associated factors for falls were gender, gout, depression and orthostatic hypotension. In addition to gender and self-reported medical history, orthostatic hypotension was an important associated factor for falls among community-dwelling elderly.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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