


Ever Having Suicide Ideation among the 4(superscript th) Graders in Northern Taiwan and Its Correlates




江宜珍(Yi-Chen Chiang);吳肖琪(Shiao-Chi Wu);李蘭(Lee-Lan Yen)


自殺意念 ; 兒童 ; 憂鬱 ; 社交孤寂 ; 城鄉差異 ; suicide ideation ; children ; depression ; social loneliness ; urban and rural disparity




24卷6期(2005 / 12 / 01)


471 - 482




目標:本研究之目的在瞭解台灣北部國小四年級學童曾經發生自殺意念之比率,並進一步釐清其相關因素。方法:本研究利用「兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究」(Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution,簡稱CABLE)2001年的資料進行次級資料分析。研究樣本取自台灣北部之台北市(代表都會地區)及新竹縣(代表鄉村地區)的18所國小四年級學童,共2,075人,並納入l,652位學童父親及l,841位學童母親的資料進行分析。結果:國小四年級學童「曾經發生自殺意念」之比率為19.77%,且台北市的比率(26.63%)為新竹縣(l2.18%)的2倍以上。在控制所有相關因素,並加入性別與其餘變項之交互作用,以邏輯斯逐步複迴歸分析後發現,曾有自殺意念者之特質為:居住於台北市、物質使用頻率較高、憂鬱程度較高、母親年齡較大、受父母懲罰程度較高、家庭支持程度較低之學童,以及社交孤寂感較高之女性學童。進一步將兩地區之資料分別分析,可發現具有明顯之城鄉差異。結論:本研究結果將可作為兒童自殺意念防治策略之參考,並據此提出下列建議:1.父母及老師應隨時關心有憂鬱傾向、社交孤寂感、物質使用行為、居住於城市地區之學童,是否有自殺意念之產生;2.父母應給予學童適當的支持,並對其採取合宜之懲罰方式;3.學校及家庭均應繼續加強學童之生命教育;4.學校於學童的健康檢查中,可考慮增設「心理健康篩檢」項目,以達早期發現之效;5.強化心理輔導與諮詢管道,以降低學童發生自殺的可能性。


Objectives: The purposes of this study were to realize the rate of children in 4(superscript th) grade who had ever had suicide ideation and to investigate the correlates of this. Methods: Data were obtained from a longitudinal study, Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE), which was conducted in 2001. The sample involved 2,075 fourth graders, 1,652 fathers and 1,841 mothers in northern Taiwan. Results: It was found that the prevalence of ever having suicide ideation among children was 19.77%. The rate in Taipei City was more than twofold that of Hsin-Chu County (26.63% vs. 12.18%). Results of the stepwise logistic regression procedure showed that resident area, substance use, depression, social loneliness, mother's age, parental punishment and family support were the significant variables related to ever having suicide ideation include. It also showed that there is significant disparity between children living in urban and rural area. Conclusions: In order to prevent suicide ideation arising among children, parents and teachers should pay more attention to children's problem behaviors and emotion status. Children need greater family support and appropriate punishment. Those who have suicide ideation should be screened as early as possible. Life education and social skills are suggested in primary schools.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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