


Ethnic Differences in Domestic Violence and Victimized Women's help-seeking Behaviors




陳秋瑩(Chiu-Ying Chen);王增勇(Frank T. Y. Wang);林美薰(Mei-Hsun Lin);楊翠娟(Tra-Jang Yang);宋鴻樟(Fung-Chang Sung)


家庭暴力 ; 酒癮 ; 原住民 ; 求助行為 ; domestic violence ; alcoholism ; ethnicity ; help-seeking behaviors




25卷1期(2006 / 02 / 01)


65 - 74




目標:在原鄉地區調查家庭暴力的發生狀況及受暴婦女求助方式。方法:2002年在南投縣信義與仁愛兩鄉分別對600位隨機抽樣的家戶樣本之婦女進行居家的問卷訪視調查,內容包括社會人口特質、過去一年內經驗家暴的類型與次數和受暴者的求助行為等,完成有效問卷的樣本數為432人。本研究針對其中335位31至65歲的樣本資料進行分析。結果:「家庭暴力」及「伴有肢體暴力」的受暴比率分別為31.6% 、13.1%。在兩類受暴比率上原住民皆顯著高於漢人,其勝算比分別為2.8 (95%C.I.=1.6~5.0)與7.6 (95%C.I.=2.3~25.1)。進一步分析發現酒癮及原住民族群是受暴經驗的潛在相關因子。三成多經驗肢體暴力者未採任何求助行為。結論:本研究顯示家暴問題在原住民族群的嚴重性,酒癮防治與健全受暴者的求助體系是防治家暴的重要課題,然實質存在之種族差異亦蘊涵弱勢族群在社會與健康資源上的不平等問題。


Objectives: To investigate the ethnic difference in domestic violence and the help-seeking behaviors of victims in aboriginal townships. Methods: An in-home survey was conducted in two aboriginal villages of Nan-Tou County in 2002. Complete interviews with 432 women, from 1200 randomly selected households, aged 16-65 years addressed socio-demographics, frequency and types of domestic violence against them, and help-seeking behaviors in the past year. A sample of 335 women aged 31-65 years was analyzed. Results: Overall, 31.6% women experienced domestic violence and 13.1% experienced physical abuse. The rates for the aboriginal group were higher than those for Han; and the odds ratios were 2.8 (95% C.I.=1.6-5.0) and 7.6 (95% C.I.=2.3-25.1), respectively. More than one-third of victims did not adopt any help-seeking behaviors. Conclusions: It appears that aboriginal women are at greater risk of physical violence than their Han counterparts. This study suggests further research on an area of social and health disparity for ethnic minorities.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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