


The Impact of Global Budgeting of National Health Insurance: A Preliminary Study on Dental and Primary Care Facilities




張育嘉(Yu-Chia Chang);黎伊帆(Yi-Fan Li);汪芳國(Fang-Kuo Wang);鄭守夏(Shou-Hsia Cheng)


全民健保 ; 總額預算 ; 就醫可近性 ; 醫療支出 ; 醫療品質 ; National Health Insurance ; global budgeting ; accessibility ; health expenditure ; quality of care




25卷2期(2006 / 04 / 01)


152 - 162






Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effects of the Dental and Primary Care Global Budgeting (Global Budgeting) policies on people's access to care, health care expenditure, and quality of care. Methods: Three major sources of data used in this study were the National Health Insurance Research Database, Taiwan An-Fukien Demographic Fact Book, and Statistics of Health Expenditure, from 1997 to 2003. The study analyzed the distribution and trends in weekend visits to dentist and physician offices, national health expenditure, numbers of tooth extractions and root canal treatments per 10,000 individuals, and market shares of domestic versus imported medicines used in ambulatory care. Results: After the introduction of the Global Budgeting, in terms of access to care, the ratio of weekend to weekday visits sustained decreased in dental clinics. Regarding health care expenditure, the out-of-pocket expenses kept increasing although the Global Budgeting policy had curbed the dental expenditure growth. In terms of quality of care, the numbers of tooth-extractions and root canal treatments per 10,000 shared similar trends, which suggested that quality of dental care remained stable. On the other hand, the ratio of domestic to imported medicines increased significantly among community clinics, which might impair the quality of care. Conclusions: The implementation of the Global Budgeting policy has a limited impact on containing total health care expenditure because of the increasing out-of-pocket expenses. And if the ratio of weekend to weekday visits keeps declining in dental clinics, it is possible that the accessibility will become worse. However, these preliminary analyses did not find significant evidence concerning quality of care. Due to the limitation of acquiring data for analysis, this study can only provide preliminary findings. Health authorities should pay more attention to the impact evaluation of the Global Budgeting policy of the National Health Insurance.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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