Objectives: The current study examined factors that contribute to the outbreak of HIV infection among the IDU population in Taiwan. Methods: Three sampling methods were used: 1) typical cases and intensity sampling, 2) snowball sampling, and 3) maximum variation sampling. Participants were recruited from a correctional facility located in the northwestern part of Taiwan between February and December 2005. Qualitative data were collected through both individual in-depth and focus group interviews. The context within which drug-sharing behavior was shaped was derived and delineated from the perspective of macro-, meso-, and micro-levels. Results: From an IDUs' point of view, their style of living was articulated, the attraction of the substance was emphasized, and the networking and relationships among peer IDUs was outlined. Then, the pattern of drug use was detailed. Particularly highlighted was the difference between inhaling and injecting drugs, and the context in which the injection of the addictive substance was carried out. IDU situations that pose a threat under the threat of infection with HIV were identified, including solvent-sharing, syringe- and needle-sharing, and deficiencies and misconceptions in knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS. Moreover, the impact of the macro-level forces on the IDUs and their drug use pattern was specified. The most significant points were the change of drug control policy, the attack of disasters such as SARS, the transnational drift of the population and drugs, and the contact with another high risk group such as MSM (men who have sex with men). Conclusions: The characteristic sub-culture of drug users and the intricate networks of IDUs constitute the most challenging barriers to HIV/AIDS control. The HIV infection in the past few years among the IDUs has dramatically turned out to be an outbreak due mainly to collective transmission, i.e., the spread of HIV was achieved through contagion between ”groups,” not individuals. It is suggested that we should utilize their unique and powerful networking to enhance their knowledge and skills in HIV/AIDS prevention. Comprehensive and effective HIV/IDU interventions, such as harm reduction, can only be achieved through inter-sector cooperation.
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