


Satisfaction Survey of a Premarital Health Examination at a Regional Hospital in Northern Taiwan




彭佩儀(Pei-I Peng);藍旻暉(Min-Huei Lan);羅翊榕(Yi-Jung Lo);史麗珠(Lai-Chu See)


婚前健康檢查 ; 滿意度 ; premarital health examination ; satisfaction




26卷1期(2007 / 02 / 01)


6 - 16






Objectives: We aimed to investigate when, why, and at which hospitals couples sought to undergo premarital health examinations (PHE). The perceived and expected satisfaction ratings on varied items of the PHE were asked in order to improve such services. Methods: A questionnaire survey was performed in a regional hospital in Taoyuan. Results: From April to November 2005, 38 subjects were recruited prospectively, 36 subjects were recruited retrospectively, and 20 subjects were recruited from a group wedding. The mean age of the study subjects was 29.7 years. Females were slightly older than males. Two-thirds of the subjects underwent a PHE 2.9 months prior to marriage and one-third had a PHE 16.4 months following marriage. The two major reasons given for having a PHE were to determine one’s health status (45.7%) and to identify reproductive or inheritable diseases (43.6%). One-half of the subjects heard about PHE through the multimedia. The three most common reasons given for choosing the study hospital for a PHE were proximity (61.7%), recommendation by relatives or friends (22.3%), and the cost (21.3%). Comparing the perceived and expected satisfaction ratings of the service, most subjects were satisfied with the exam itself (competitive strength), but were not happy with the interpretation of the report and the lack of genetic consulting (competitive vulnerability). 23.3% subjects would not recommend the PHE to their friends because they questioned its necessity, felt the PHE results were not useful, or felt the PHE services did not differ from a routine physical examination. Conclusions: Genetic consulting and improved interpretation of the PHE report should be instituted. More screening for genetic diseases should be added to the PHE in order to distinguish the PHE from a routine physical examination.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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