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Clinical Quality Improvement: Strategies to Maximize Reimbursement in Pay for Performance Programs
Guidelines for Pay-for-Performance Programs
Principals for Pay-for-Performance Programs
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Provider pay-for-performance incentive programs: 2004 national study results
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Investing in general practice-the new general medical services contract Chapter 3
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Advisory Committee on Senior Level Retention and Compensation
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Pay-for for-performance: practical performance for decision guidance for decision-making and the latest evidence
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Quality-Based Payment-Taiwan`s Experience
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Leapfrog group launches national hospital rewards program
Paying for Performance in Health Care: Getting a Better Deal
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Practice Incentives Program
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Physicians, business, government & industry embrace common strategy to improve health care: pay-for-performance
Longitudinal cohort study of quality in general practice
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Rand: The First National Report Card on Quality of Health Care in America
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Rewarding result
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Financial incentives: innovative payment for health information technology
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The effects of pay-for-performance system on tuberculosis control & treatment in Taiwan
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