Objectives: We placed our emphasis on exploring the characteristics of an alliance network and analyzing the impact of alliance pattern, partner industry, and partner location of an alliance network on the organizational innovation in Taiwanese hospitals. Methods: A self-administered mail survey was used to collect data. Questionnaires were sent to the top managers or alliance managers of 460 hospitals accredited as district hospitals and above. The valid return rate was 35.45%. After testing sample representativeness, non-response error, common method variance, questionnaire reliability, and questionnaire validity, we adopted a hierarchical multiple regression to analyze our research data. Results: The rate of alliance formation of Taiwanese hospitals has reached 35.45% and the average network size of strategic alliances is 21.42. Alliance pattern, partner industry, and partner location has become much more diverse. With respect to these three characteristics of diversity, the pattern diversity and the location diversity of an alliance network had no significant impact on the organizational innovation of hospitals. However, the industry diversity of an alliance network affected technological innovation linearly, but the relationship between this diversity and management innovation exhibited an inverse-U curve. Conclusions: The alliance network of hospitals has become much more diverse. In regards to several network characteristics, the industry diversity of an alliance network affects hospital innovation most significantly and has a different impact on management and technological innovation.
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