Objectives: To investigate the effectiveness of outpatient smoking cessation interventions and factors related to success. Methods: Secondary data analysis was conducted on data provided by the Bureau of Health Promotion funded ”Smoking Cessation Therapy Project”. A total of 7,802 smokers were included in the study. Participants included those smokers aged 18 and over who participated in smoking cessation therapy at participating clinics between November 2003 and December 2004, and who completed follow up successfully. Results: The ”continuous abstinence rates” at six months and one year were 18.9% and 7.9%, respectively. The ”point abstinence rates” at six months and one year were 23.0% and 17.2%, respectively. Factors related to continuous abstinence included age, gender, occupational level, sleep quality, exercise, frequency of alcohol consumption, working overtime, number of doctor visits, number of years of smoking, degree of nicotine dependence, number of attempts to quit smoking, number of smokers in the family, number of therapy sessions, and types of smoking cessation therapy. Conclusions: Factors related to smokers' continuous abstinence can be classified into three categories: individual factors, environmental factors and therapeutic factors. Clinic staff involved in outpatient smoking cessation should tailor therapy according to patients' age, gender, occupation, lifestyle and frequency of health-care provider visits. Consideration should also be given to other smoking related factors, such as number of years smoking, degree of nicotine dependence, number of attempts to quit smoking and number of smokers in the family. It is important to encourage smokers to visit their doctor regularly and participate in all therapy sessions. To ensure success, cessation therapy should be targeted at the individual patient's needs.
WHO Regional Office for Europe
Promoting quitting among adults and young people
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Tobacco use cessation: importance and implications
Policy recommendations for smoking cessation and treatment of tobacco dependence
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