Objectives: To investigate the condition of overstay in acute inpatients under the different definitions of overstay. Methods: The subjects were acute inpatients from the Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) databases in 2000. The five different definitions of overstay are: 1) over 30 hospital days, 2) over 25 hospital days, 3) over 90 percentile of hospital days, 4) over DRGs adjusted, and 5) over regression risk adjusted days of hospitalization. The DRGs adjusted and regression risk adjusted overstay are defined as being over the 1.285 standard deviation and standardized residual of normal distribution. Regression risk adjusted patients' case mix, age and sex. Results: According to the different definitions of overstay, the rate of overstay is 2.41% as defined by over 30 days, 3.65% as defined by over 25 days, 9.49% as defined by over 90 percentile of hospital days, 10.13% as defined by the DRGs adjusted method and 8.49% as defined by the regression risk adjusted method, respectively. The rate of overstay as defined by the DRGs and regression risk adjusted method is significantly higher than the traditional definition (over 30 or 25 days) used in different departments and levels of hospitals. It exposes the serious nature of overstay in acute patients. Conclusions: It is important to calculate overstay using the DRGs adjusted or regression risk adjusted methods. These adjusted methods could reveal the actuality of overstay for the administrators of NHI and hospitals, which could be applied to policy that would eliminate the problem of overstay and increase the utility of hospital beds for acute patients.
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