


On the Lifecourse of the Formation of Health Behavior: The Example of Areca Quid Chewing of Taxi Drivers




郭淑珍(Shu-Chen Kuo)


健康不平箏 ; 生命歷程 ; 嚼檳榔行為 ; health inequalities ; lifecourse ; areca quid chewing




27卷5期(2008 / 10 / 01)


385 - 398






Objectives: In health inequality research, there are few discussions of subjects in the early stages of family life. This study uses the approach of lifecourse to discuss the relationship between the early social status of areca quid-chewing taxi drivers and the development of their areca quid-chewing behavior. Methods: Data were collected through in-depth interviews with taxi drivers while they were relaxing or were waiting in lines in Taipei. Results: For those taxi drivers participating in this research, the start of their areca quid chewing was associated with the social context of their early residence and their early work environment. The factors that influenced the social context of their early residence included areca quid production areas near the areas where they grew up, their families who ran areca quid stalls, and male family members who were also areca quid chewers. The factors that influenced the early work context included physically demanding manual labor, transportation-related work, and a work-related social network. Conclusions: From the viewpoint of a lifecourse study, the socioeconomic positions that we assume in different stages of our life influence the formation of our health behavior. The social status of the taxi drivers' families of origin and their early work context are related to their adoption of areca quid chewing. This study gives a preliminary understanding of how social status affects the formation of health-related behavior, and we expect in the future there will be more related research to help us further clarify how social status shapes the decisions we make regarding our health.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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