


A Prospective Study of the Risk and Protective Factors of Substance Use among Vocational High School Students in Taipei




李景美(Ching-Mei Lee);張鳳琴(Fong-Ching Chang);賴香如(Hsiang-Ru Lai);江振東(Jeng-Tung Chiang);李碧霞(Pi-Hsia Lee);陳雯昭(Wen-Jau Chen);張瑜真(Yu-Chen Chang)


吸菸 ; 飲酒 ; 嚼檳榔 ; 使用成癮藥物 ; 青少年 ; smoking ; alcohol use ; betel-quid chewing ; illicit drug use ; youth




27卷5期(2008 / 10 / 01)


399 - 410






Objectives: This three-year longitudinal study examined changes in the patterns of risk and protective factors of substance initiation (smoking, alcohol use, betel quid chewing, and illicit drug use) among a vocational high school student cohort in Taipei. Methods: A total of 1763 10th graders were followed to the 12th grade (2000-2002). Logistic regression was used to examine the baseline and longitudinal changes in risk and protective factors for substance initiation. Results: Among students who did not use any substances in grade 10, 166 (11.0%), 184 (13.1%), 40 (2.3%), and 28 (1.6%) students initiated smoking, alcohol use, betel quid chewing, and illicit drug use by grade 12, respectively. In the 10th grade, higher risk factors, such as peer use, being offered the substance by another person, concomitant substance use (i.e., smoking and alcohol use), and lower protective factors, such as refusal selp-efficacy and presence of an antisubstance use attitude, predicted youth substance initiation by grade 12. Increases in risk factors and decreases in protective factors from the 10th to 12th grades were significantly associated with substance use initiation in youths. Conclusions: The risk and protective factors in grade 10 and longitudinal changes from grade 10 to 12 predicted youth substance use initiation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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