


As Long as My Mind and Soul Are Healthy-A Study of Health and Illness Cognition among Aboriginal People in Taiwan, Atayal Tribe




陳芬苓(Fen-Ling Chen);徐菁苹(Ching-Pin Shu)


原住民 ; 泰雅族 ; 健康與疾病觀 ; 心理健康 ; aboriginal people ; Atayal tribe ; health and illness cognition ; mental health




27卷5期(2008 / 10 / 01)


411 - 420






Objectives: This study explored how aboriginal people in Taiwan define 'healthy people,' including mental and physical health, and how they view the existence of disease. Methods: In-depth interviews and observation were conducted with the Atayal People in the Fu-shing village of Taoyuan County. There were 22 health-related workers and villagers who were interviewed. Results: The Atayal people regard health and disease as a natural circle of life. If disease develops, their goal is to live with the disease as best they can instead of getting rid of it. They also emphasize the importance of mental health and social health, and regard their failing as the root of physical disease. Conclusions: Aboriginal people have valuable perspectives towards health and illness which are worthy for us to learn. They value mental health and healthy social relationships within families and throughout the community. They also have a grounded view of the relationships between humans and nature, and apply positive thinking when disease strikes. The understanding of aboriginal perspectives towards health and illness enhances our knowledge of health and illness viewpoints in terms of cultural differences.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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