
配備廢氣再循環系統(EGR)車輛之道路實測氮氧化物(NO(下標 x))排放分析


NO(subscript x) Emission Rates of an EGR-equipped Vehicle on the Road




溫蓓章(Pei-Chang Wen);莊志偉(Chih-Wei Chuang);楊智凱(Chih-Kai Yang)


廢氣再循環系統 ; 車輛行駛之氮氧化物排放率 ; 道路測試 ; Exhaust Gas Recirculation EGR system ; Nitrogen oxides NO(subscript x) emission rate of moving vehicle ; on road test




29卷2期(2010 / 04 / 01)


183 - 190




目標:車輛配備廢氣再循環系統(Exhaust Gas Recirculation, EGR)是有效降低車輛使用NO(下標 x)排放量的方案之一;不過,卻缺乏研究探討EGR系統於道路行駛之成效。本研究即探討配備EGR車輛之道路實測NO(下標 x)排放,並將與推估車輛移動排放NO(下標 x)總量模式使用的排放係數相互比較。方法:本研究運用車載量測設備(On-Board Emission Measurement),搭載於配備EGR系統之汽油車輛上,進行高速公路與市區道路之實際行駛測試,量測並紀錄逐秒NO(下標 x)排放率;再進行法規審驗之實驗室測試並紀錄下可比對的數據。結果:前述測試條件下,配備EGR車輛實測之NO(下標 x)排放係數均低於1 g/km,顯著低於國內車輛排放推估模式所採用的排放係數70%以上;許多狀況下實測值尚不及模式排放係數10%;而且,車速大於70 km/hr高速區間排放係數隨速度變化的趨勢實際應為降低,而非模式係數升高。結論:推估模式所使用之NO(下標 x)排放係數,無法呈現搭載EGR車輛的NO(下標 x)排放特性。本研究建議應儘速建立配備EGR車輛的NO(下標 x)排放係數,並掌握其在車輛總數中的占比,才能較為適切的推估車輛排放NO(下標 x)總量。


Objectives: The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is one solution for reducing vehicle Nitrogen oxide (NO(subscript x)) emissions; however, there is no research on the effectiveness of the EGR system, particularly with regard to gasoline-engine vehicles. This study aimed to fill in this gap. Methods: This study utilized a gasoline-engine test car equipped with the EGR system and an on-board emission measurement device which recorded second-by-second NO(subscript x) emission rates during road tests conducted on freeways and urban arterials. Comparable data was recorded from chassis tests performed in the laboratory. Results: NO(subscript x) emission rates measured from the test car, in all conditions, were less than 1 g/km. This was significantly lower than the parameters set by the EPA model, MOBILE-Taiwan. Moreover, the measured NO(subscript x) emission rates decreased while vehicular speeds increased over 70 km/hr. This was in contrast with the increasing trend of the parameters from the EPA Model. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the NO(subscript x) emission rates of the EGR-equipped vehicle were not well represented by the model parameters. In light of the evidence, this study calls attention to the need for investigation of NO(subscript x) emission rates of EGR-equipped vehicles in order to better estimate vehicle NO(subscript x) emission as the popularity of EGR-equipped vehicles in the new car fleet is significant.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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