


Using the PRECEDE Model to Assess Injuries in a Selected Community




林莉茹(Li-Ju Lin);李蘭(Lee-Lan Yen);莊莉菁(Li-Ching Chuang);郭寶貞(Pao-Chen Kuo);白璐(Lu Pai)


安全社區 ; 事故傷害 ; PRECEDE模式 ; 介入 ; Safe Community ; injury ; PRECEDE model ; intervention




29卷4期(2010 / 08 / 15)


314 - 325






Objectives: To use the PRECEDE model to assess injuries in a selected community in Taipei City. The assessment results form the basis for a program of community safety. Methods: Injury data, including injury mortality, emergency room cases, and cases involved in traffic accidents, were collected from a selected district in Taipei City. Data were analyzed so that community leaders might prioritize the subtypes of injury and related factors by importance and improvability. Injuries in the community were assessed by following each phase of the PRECEDE model in terms of epidemiological, behavioral and environmental, and educational and ecological diagnoses. Finally, we completed a community assessment of the problem of injuries. Results: The epidemiological diagnosis revealed that motor vehicle injuries (MVI) and falls were priority issues. Children under age 10 and elders over 70 were the high-risk groups for injuries due to falls, as were motorcycle riders aged 20-29 years for MVI. The behavioral and environmental diagnosis showed that the elderly fell either at a low-spirited status or due to a wet floor at home; children fell due either to adults’ absence or negligence or due to a wet floor at home or in a bathroom; factors underlying motorcycle injuries were violation of traffic rules and a dim weather. For the education and ecological diagnosis, the importance and improvability of the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors were examined. Priorities were identified: for the elderly, a grasp bar or fixation of a skid-proof mat in the bathroom; for children, provision of fall prevention knowledge and awareness for caregivers; for motorcycle riders, training in vigilance and safety concerns. Conclusions: The PRECEDE model was used to assess injuries in a designated community. The results of the assessment in combination with community injury surveillance data and local leaders' acknowledgement of the importance and improvability of various injuries, can be utilized to promote injury prevention and control programs in a community.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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