Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess 3-year outcomes and factors associated with those outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients who joined the diabetes shared-care program in Taitung, Taiwan. Methods: 242 type Ⅱ diabetic patients in a Taitung regional hospital were enrolled in this study and completed 4 follow-up measures. The principal measure was the patient's mean HbA1c at baseline and at each annual follow-up. A logistic regression model was used to examine the factors associated with poor glycemic control. Results: (1) The mean HbA1c level showed the greatest reduction in the first follow-up year. The level gradually increased over time (the mean values for HbA1c at baseline, 1(superscript st), 2(superscript nd), and 3(superscript rd) years were 9.12%, 7.93%, 8.20%, and 8.27% respectively, p<0.05); however, the 3(superscript rd) year level of HbA1c was still a significant improvement over baseline. (2) Age<65, aborigines, a higher HbA1c level at baseline, a longer duration of illness, and higher doses of medication were significantly associated with poor glycemic control. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated the long-term efficacy of a diabetes shared- care program in HbA1c control. Age, ethnicity, initial HbA1c level, duration of illness, and medication used were significantly associated with poor diabetes control. It would be helpful in improving the quality of diabetes-care among the Taitung population if case management were combined with community resources.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess 3-year outcomes and factors associated with those outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients who joined the diabetes shared-care program in Taitung, Taiwan. Methods: 242 type Ⅱ diabetic patients in a Taitung regional hospital were enrolled in this study and completed 4 follow-up measures. The principal measure was the patient's mean HbA1c at baseline and at each annual follow-up. A logistic regression model was used to examine the factors associated with poor glycemic control. Results: (1) The mean HbA1c level showed the greatest reduction in the first follow-up year. The level gradually increased over time (the mean values for HbA1c at baseline, 1(superscript st), 2(superscript nd), and 3(superscript rd) years were 9.12%, 7.93%, 8.20%, and 8.27% respectively, p<0.05); however, the 3(superscript rd) year level of HbA1c was still a significant improvement over baseline. (2) Age<65, aborigines, a higher HbA1c level at baseline, a longer duration of illness, and higher doses of medication were significantly associated with poor glycemic control. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated the long-term efficacy of a diabetes shared- care program in HbA1c control. Age, ethnicity, initial HbA1c level, duration of illness, and medication used were significantly associated with poor diabetes control. It would be helpful in improving the quality of diabetes-care among the Taitung population if case management were combined with community resources.
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