


Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices with Regard to Dengue Fever among Travelers in Taiwan




王穎筠(Ying-Yun Wang);蔡慈儀(Tzu-I Tsai)


登革熱 ; 知識態度行為 ; 旅客 ; Dengue fever ; Knowledge ; Attitudes and Practices KAP ; traveler




30卷2期(2011 / 04 / 15)


191 - 200




目標:東南亞國家是登革熱疫情盛行,也是國人出國旅遊、探親商務往返最頻繁的地區,本研究調查台灣出國旅客其登革熱知識及態度與其防護行為之相關。方法:採橫斷式調查研究設計,自填式結構問卷設計以KAP(knowledge, attitudes and practices)模式為基礎,研究對象為18歲以上準備由桃園機場前往東南亞國家的出境旅客。結果:共完成有效問卷386份(回收率90.6%)。研究顯示出國旅客對登革熱的防護認知答對率為68.5%,防護態度偏積極正向(平均值為3.87分),有74.9%旅客至少攜帶一種防蚊用物。女性、教育程度愈高及出國前曾利用旅遊健康門診獲得登革熱防護訊息的旅客,與登革熱之知識及防治態度方面有正相關,且自我防護行為表現較佳。結論:對於前往東南亞國家之旅客,透過多種形式的宣導管道,包括旅遊門診、大眾傳播媒體,提供給不同出國旅客健康資訊,增強其對登革熱防護知識及態度,進而強化其自我防護行為。


Objectives: Dengue fever is endemic in Southeast Asia-the most popular business and travel destination for people from Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between knowledge and attitude about Dengue fever and preventive behaviors of travelers. Method: This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was developed based on the KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practices) model. Participants who were over 18 years of age and headed to a Southeast Asian country completed a self-administrated survey at the departure gates at the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Results: In total, 386 travelers completed the questionnaires, for a response rate of 90.6%. The percentage of individuals with correct knowledge about the prevention of Dengue fever was 68.5%, the attitude towards Dengue fever prevention was positive (average 3.87 points), and 74.9% of the passengers had prepared at least one method to protect themselves from mosquito bites. Women, those with higher education, and those passengers who had received health information from travel clinics had better knowledge about and attitudes toward Dengue fever, and also practiced better personal preventive behaviors. Conclusions: Information about Dengue fever needs to be distributed through diverse methods, i.e. travel clinics, mass media, and print material, in order to encourage travelers heading to Southeast Asian countries to practice preventive behaviors.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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