Objectives: This study examined the results of the Taiwan Nursing Home Accreditation Survey and analyzed the factors related to qualifications for accreditation. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the 2009 Taiwan Nursing Home Accreditation Survey Dataset. A total of 351 nursing homes were analyzed. Passing accreditation was defined as obtaining a rating of ”especially excellent”, ”first-rate”, or ”A-grade”. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with passing accreditation. Results: Among the 351 nursing homes appraised, 169 (48.15%) passed and 182 (51.85%) did not. Significant factors associated with passing were: region, ownership, scale, owner's educational background, owner's role, competition, and occupancy rate. Conclusions: Policymakers should help nursing homeadministrators improve their performance in the provision of care, treatment services, human resources, management, and environment of care, and provide comprehensive continuing education to assist administrators in improving operational efficiency. Nursing home administrators should develop their management skills and reconsider their market position, development, and structural appropriateness.
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