The President of the United States, Barack Obama, signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in March 2010. Passage of the PPACA has enabled the uninsured to purchase affordable healthcare insurance and access medical services. The main purpose of this paper was to introduce the history of American healthcare reform, explore PPACA, discuss relevant healthcare financing policies, and investigate the impact of PPACA. Learning from the USA experience, the government may consider using tax policies to curb healthcare expenditures. In addition, we suggest that the government devote more resources to primary care, disease management, and policies promoting a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, the government can reform payment systems to pay providers based on health outcomes. Finally, we suggest that the government evaluate second-generation National Health Insurance policies thoroughly when formulating further healthcare reform proposals. In addition to achieving a balanced budget, the government should focus on the impact of healthcare financing policies on the labor market, economic behavior, and the quality of medical services.
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